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Compare: Healthy and Diabetic

Compare: Healthy and Diabetic

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How It Is Being Studied Today

How It Is Being Studied Today

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Diabetes I


Scientists at Harvard's Stem Cell institue might have found a cure to Diabetes I by using stem cells. They used embryonic stem cells and for the first time, produced in massive quanties, self-sufficient beta cells that secretes insulin. Although there are currently injection treatments for Diabetes I, it does not help control the patient's metabolism like these cells will be able to. It is currently still under trials in animal models and will hopefully be successful to proceed to human trial and possibly a cure. (1)

Parkinson's Disease
Although like many neurological disease, Parkinson's disease still have yet to be cured. However, a recent breakthrough by Swedish researchers at Lund University, show promising results for a possible treatment of the disease, For further information on this milestone:
click here


At some point in time, everyone will start to shed more and unfortunately some will eventually be left with nothing. Thankfully, with the usage of stem cells, there will sooner or later be a cure for baldness. 


The researchers of Sandford-Burnham Medical Research Institute grew hair from stem cells. To read more about their fascinating breakthrough: click here

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