What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are like the building blocks to the human body. They are unspecialized cells that have the ability to develop into cells with specialized functions. (1)
Types of Stem Cells
There are currently 3 types of stem cells.
Embryonic Stem Cells (2)
These are removed from the blastocyst of the inner embryonic cell masses which are then grown into different specialized cells.
This is a very controversial method of retrieving stem cells because in most case when the stem cells are isolated, the embryo is destroyed in the process.
Adult Stem Cells (2)
These stem cells "exist naturally in the body." The body use them for daily repairs, growth, and healing of cells.
However, these type of stem cells are difficult to acquire and can cause damage to the donor. There are also chance of rejection by the patient's immune system during stem cell transplants.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (2) (3)
These are artificially made in the lab.
They are extracted from the patient's own cells and then reprogrammed to a embryonic cell-like stage.
No chance of rejection because it is the patient's own cells. However, further research must be conducted to fully understand the effects of these cells.
How Embryonic Stem Cells Are Created(image 2) |
Location of Adult Stem Cells(image 3) |
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells(image 4) |
Potency of Stem Cells
There are 4 potencies
Totipotent Stem Cells (4)
These stem cells have the ability to become any cell in the human body.
Not limited to a set amount when replicating
Multipotent Stem Cells (5)
These cells are “limited in its ability to differentiate”
Only able to specialize in 1 or more stem cell line. An example of these would be the adult stem cell
Pluripotent Stem Cells (6)
These cells are also called the ‘true’ stem cells. They can develop into almost any cell but when it is no longer in its embryonic stage, they can only become specific types of cells.
Can only develop into specialized cells like nerve cells. Can’t develop into organs.
Unipotent Stem Cells (7)
Able to form specialized cells and proliferate (divide repeatedly).
Very limited ability but can self-renew; perfect for burn treatments.
Very time consuming.